Final renderings of new elementary school shared with community during meeting

The Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation and Uvalde CISD Community Advisory Committee hosted their last community meeting on Tuesday, April 11.

The meeting provided an update on the progress of the new elementary school for the Uvalde community including a final preview of the schematics for the new elementary school. This meeting was the final step in the process of developing the full schematic for the new elementary school.

An animated video that simulates a drone flying above and through the new elementary school was also previewed during the meeting.

The Uvalde CISD Community Advisory Committee and Huckabee Architects will present the schematic to the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Board for approval during its meeting on Monday, April 17.

“We are proud of the work and partnership that has occurred between the Moving Forward Foundation, Huckabee Architects, and, most importantly, the Uvalde community to come to this point,” said Tim Miller, Executive Director of the Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation. “The plans for the new school are a reflection of the intentional dialogue happening with the Uvalde community as we move toward the construction phase of our work.”

A rendering of a tree is included in the proposed schematic design as a tribute to the lives lost on May 24, 2022. The tree includes two large branches, representing the two teachers who lost their lives, and 19 smaller branches representing the children who were victims.

Huckabee Architects and the Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation began the process of creating the schematics last September with the Uvalde CISD Community Advisory Committee, which was appointed by the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District. The process has also included design charette meetings with students, campus staff, district leaders, law enforcement, and emergency responders. The Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation and the Uvalde CISD Community Advisory Committee have hosted three previous meetings for the Uvalde community at-large to stay updated on the progress.

“It has been our most important goal to ensure that the plans for the new school are informed by the Uvalde community and that our process remains transparent as much as possible for the community,” said Miller. 

Work for the Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation now moves closer to the construction phase which is slated to begin during the second half of 2023. The Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation is also continuing  a campaign to raise additional funds from individual donors to help close the gap in funding secured to complete the new elementary school. Those interested in donating to the Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation can visit for more information on how to donate.

Click here to view the presentation shared at the meeting.

About the Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation

The Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation serving the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District community. The nonprofit was created in the wake of the tragedy at Robb Elementary School, which took 21 innocent lives on May 24, 2022. Funding collected through the foundation will support the construction of a new elementary school campus in the Uvalde CISD, ensuring students and staff will not have to return to the site of the tragedy, and ultimately supporting the District’s ongoing needs as it moves forward. For more information about the foundation, including opportunities for making a donation, please visit

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Thanks to a generous $5 million match gift, we are $3.5 million from reaching our fundraising goal to fully fund the construction of the new elementary campus.